Skinners: Czech startup which caught interest of Boston Red Sox
While Czech baseball still awaits their first player in MLB, Czech companies are slowly making their way to the most popular baseball league. One of them is Skinners, startup from Brno. Their products are used by baseball players of Boston Red Sox.
Skinners came with an original idea to create shoe accessory, which would stand between shoes and socks. On their page, the company states, their product is neither, yet both.

This concept caught interest of the Boston Red Sox, whose players use „skinners“ during their training. [trans.] „We had a successful campaign at Kickstarter in 2016,“ revealed the co-owner of the Skinners Michaela Matějková. [trans.] „This platform is followed mainly by Americans. On top of that, successful campaigns get a lot of media coverage. This way, we managed to get attention of people in sports, who contacted us about the collaboration. We also got an email from Red Sox. We made Skinners in red for them and sent them to Boston.“

Boston players can use Skinners in their trainings. The co-owner of the company also revealed that Red Sox players are not the only ones who use their product. There’s a surprisingly large group of clients in the Middle East. Kuwait football international player Bader Ahmed al-Mutawa, who uses the skinners, became a huge propagator of the product.

Skinners became the object of international media interest once more, when they started a new Kickstarter campaign, which is meant to help the company start the production of the second generation of skinners. While authors of the campaign set the target to 40,000$, three days before the end of the campaign they only missed few thousands dollars to 1 million mark. Hopefully, we will see skinners gaining popularity with more MLB clubs.