WBCq: Incredible! Czechs qualified for World Baseball Classic

What generations of Czech baseballers tried to achieved is now real thanks to players around Pavel Chadim. After beating Spain, Czech Republic got their ticket to World Baseball Classic.

Czechs starter Martin Schneider on the mound. He was able to get his sight on a prize and threw likely his best game of the national team career. He remained on the mound for evens innings, reaching pitching limit of 85 pitches. Schneider only allowed one run in the first inning. Furthermore, he didn’t allow Spanish on bases with walks and striked out 5 batters.

Pavel Chadim’s players were one run behind after the first inning, however, Martin Mužík’s two run homerun gave them lead in the second.

Milujeme Baseball on Twitter: „HOMERUN!Martin Mužík posílá tímto homerunem Česko do vedení.#WorldBaseballClassic #WBCQualifiers @BaseballCzech pic.twitter.com/SKEaNDjLaZ / Twitter“

HOMERUN!Martin Mužík posílá tímto homerunem Česko do vedení.#WorldBaseballClassic #WBCQualifiers @BaseballCzech pic.twitter.com/SKEaNDjLaZ

They further increased their lead in the fourth inning thanks to a solo homerun from Marek Chlup.

Milujeme Baseball on Twitter: „Marek Chlup solo homerunem navyšuje vedení Česka na 3-1.#WorldBaseballClassic #WBCQualifiers @BaseballCzech pic.twitter.com/QKopgOEgnt / Twitter“

Marek Chlup solo homerunem navyšuje vedení Česka na 3-1.#WorldBaseballClassic #WBCQualifiers @BaseballCzech pic.twitter.com/QKopgOEgnt

Chlup was also a part of an important play in the seventh inning, where Spain had a runner at the second base with two outs against Marek Minařík who substituted Schneider. Engel Beltre then sent the ball to the right field and get Spain an important hit. However, Czech opponents wanted to get a run. Young outfielder showed a cannon in his arm and Spanish run was tagged for out on the home base.

Spain was able to get two batters on bases in the last inning, however, Marek Minařík along with the Czech defense didn’t allow any more runs. Czechs can now celebrate qualifying to World Baseball Classic.

V poslední směně dokázali Španělé dostat na mety dva pálkaře, ale Marek Minařík společně s obranou již žádný další doběh nepovolili a Češi můžou slavit postup na hlavní turnaj World Baseball Classic.

   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   R H E
 Czech Republic 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0   3 5 0
 Spain 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 –   1 9 0
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