College Baseball: Michal Kovala threw his best relief of the season

There were only three players active in college baseball in the previous week. And only Michal Kovala got a chance to play in NCAA Division I.

Kovala played the first of the three games which Georgia Tech played against Boston College. Czech pitcher got a chance to pitch two innings in which he didn’t allow any runs. Despite this Georgia Tech lost 3-10 and in the end they got swept in the series. Kovala currently has ERA 4.32 and is the second best team reliever in the statistics.
Kovala – 2 IP, 2 H, 0 R, 2 BB, 2 SO

The two other Czechs in the top division (Martin Zelenka, Daniel Padyšák) didn’t get to played in the previous week.

Jan Pospíšil, playing for Pitt Community, played 4 games. His best game was likely the first one against Bryant&Stratton, where he had 2 hits. Pitt Community, however, was unable to win any games in the series and the only win they got in the week was against Lenoir.

Další dva Češi v nejvyšší divizi Martin Zelenka a Daniel Padyšák v minulém týdnu neodehráli ani jeden zápas.

Lenoir CommunityW, 5-42010010
Bryant&StrattonL, 14-115220100
Bryant&StrattonL, 9-13000101
Bryant&StrattonL, 11-32110001

Nicolas O’Rourke played as a pitcher in the previous week, when he threw 3.1 innings against Sacramento City. He allowed 5 hits to the opponent, but only one run. He then added two at bats in one inning on Sunday, where he entered the game as a pinch hitter.

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