EXL: Draci Brno signed Wladimir Pinto again

Venezuelan pitcher Wladimir Pinto was supposed to be a huge pitching boost for Draci Brno in the previous season. However, everything fell short due to an administrative error and so Draci try to bring in the player this year instead. The news was brought by Instagram profile @peloterosvenezolanoseuropa.

Twenty five year old Pinto was a part of Detroit Tigers organization for a long time and went as far as AAA level. After seven years, Venezuelan pitcher decided to try free agent market and then signed with Minnesota. However, he was unable to get to the MLB roster for Twins and was released after 25 games in AAA. He then finished the season in the independent Atlantic League, where he played for Long Island for the past two years. He then played in Venezuela and Colombia in winter.

In MiLB Pinto threw 260.1 innings with ERA 3.25 and 342 strikeouts. He mostly played as a reliever, but he occasionally started as well. In the past three years he threw 43.2 innings for Atlantic League’s Long Island with ERA 3.92 and 43 strikeouts.

Based on the MLB Pipeline scouting Pinto’s main weapon should be his fastballs. His curveball also earned score 55. Scouts evaluated his control as the main weakness in the past. Czech fans will now get a chance to see how much he worked on it.

Dle scouting reportu MLB Pipeline by měl být největší zbraní Pinta fastball. Také jeho curveball si vysloužil hodnocení 55. Slabinou Pinta dle skautů byla v minulosti kontrola nadhozů. Fanoušci v Česku tak budou moct sledovat, nakolik na ni Venezuelan zapracoval.

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