SVK: They faced South American pitchers. Apollo Bratislava won their first games in Croatian League
The article was first published at Apollo is still waiting for their foreign players. Despite this they won both
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The article was first published at Apollo is still waiting for their foreign players. Despite this they won both
Read MoreSlovak Baseball League has a new champion. Apollo Bratislava won their 10th title in a row after beating Angels Trnava U23 3-0 in
Read MoreSlovenská baseballová liga má staronového kráľa. Desiate finále v rade totiž hráči bratislavského Apolla. Tí v sérii porazili Angles Trnava U23 3-0 na
Read MoreApollo Bratislava played their last game at this year’s Federations Cup on Friday. This time against Belgian team Deurne Spartans. The
Read MoreV piatok večer nastúpili baseballisti bratislavského Apolla k poslednému zápasu na tohtoročnom Federations Cupe. Súperom im bol belgický tým Deurne Spartans.
Read MoreFans of Apollo Bratislava had an unfortunate deja-vu. Their team allowed one big inning against them and it cost them
Read MoreNepríjemné deja-vu prežili vo štvrtok fanúšikovia bratislavského Apolla. To totiž opäť súperovi povolilo jeden big inning a nakoniec prehralo. Prehrou stratilo
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