U23 EC: European Championship started in Austria
U23 European Championship started in Austria on Tuesday. Czech national team will attempt to improve their previous standings, where they
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Nejlepší český web o baseballu
U23 European Championship started in Austria on Tuesday. Czech national team will attempt to improve their previous standings, where they
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Read MorePo štvrtku mladí Slováci vedeli, že si tento rok finále kvalifikácie nezahrajú. Stále ale mohli skončiť na konečnom treťom mieste.
Read MoreV pondelok poobede rozohrali slovenskí baseballisti kvalifikačné boje o postup na Majstrovstvá Európy U23. Vstup sa im ale nepodaril, keď prehrali
Read MoreThe last game U23 European Championship awaited Czech team on Saturday. They were to face Belgium and the win would
Read MoreV sobotu čekal na český tým poslední zápas na letošním evropském šampionátu hráčů do třiadvaceti let. V něm se postavili proti
Read MoreFriday game between Czech Republic and Ukraine was important not only because winning would give Czechs chance to end fifth,
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