Second game at Tenerife saw Spanish beat Czechs 3-16

After Monday win against Spain, Czech national team squared against the same team. This time, however, Czechs didn’t manage to follow thier success from the first game.

Spain showed their offensive power against starting pitcher Filip Čapka scoring 10 runs in three innings. Changing the pitcher didn’t help, as the home team continued increasing their lead. One of the most valuable players was Daniel Jimenez, who score 2 homeruns and 6 RBI.

Czechs had to wait 4 inning for their first run, when Martin Červenka scored a solo homerun.

Two innings later it was Jakub Kubica‚s turn to do the same.

The seventh inning then saw Šimon Drápela‚s RBI with Martin Červinka‚s run wrapping up the score to 16-3 for Spain.

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