College Baseball: Vank with the first win. Michal Zelenka’s season is over
The previous week of college baseball was not positive for the Czech fans as one of the youngsters‘ season is now over.
Martin Zelenka played one game for UNC Wilmington against UNCA. He had a great game as he helped his team to 7-1 win with a double and two runs. He also managed to get a put out in the defense during a steal attempt. His team swept UNCA and improved their record to 5-3.
Uplynulý týden univerzitních soutěží byl pro české fanoušky nepříliš pozitivní, porotože český baseball přišel o jednoho zástupce.
Martin Zelenka nastoupil do jednoho utkání UNC Wilmington proti UNCA. A vedl si vlemi dobře, když se na výhře 7-1 podílel dvoumetovým hitem a dvěma doběhy. V obraně pak zachytil jediný pokus o krádež druhé mety. Jeho tým si díky třem výhrám nad UNCA polepšil na bilanci 5-3.
Unfortunately, Martin’s younger brother Michal Zelenka’s season is over after he torn his ankle ligament. Viktor Hluchý remains as the only Czech player to play for Zelenka’s Galveston College university, however, he didn’t get a chance to play in the series against McLennan Community College.
On the other hand, Lukáš Pacal has a great start on the mound. He played the last game of the series against Cochise College, where he threw 6 innings and only allowed 2 runs, while striking out 4. This gave him the 3rd win of the season.
Ondřej Vank also earned a win, his first of the season after he threw 5 innings for Dawson Community College, where he didn’t allow any runs. He also added 4 strikeouts in the game where his Northeastern Junior College won 11-0.
Jan Pospíšil played two games for Pitt Community College against Richard Bland College. He had a hit in the first game which his team won 6-4. In the second game he had to wait till the 6th inning to get into the game, but his hit in the 7th inning wrapped up the score to 3-7.