U18 WC: One bad inning meant loss against Panama
A few hours after the end of the game against Mexico, Czech went to play another one. This time against
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A few hours after the end of the game against Mexico, Czech went to play another one. This time against
Read MoreCzechs had two games planned for Friday. The first one was the postponed duel against Mexico. For a long time, the
Read MorePár hodin po konci zápasu s Mexikem nastoupila juniorské reprezentace k dalšímu duelu na letošním světovém šampionátu. Soupeřem jim byla Panama. Pokud něco
Read MoreNa pátek měli Češi v rozpisu naplánované dva zápasy. Ten první byl dvakrát odložený duel s Mexikem. Dlouho vyrovnaný souboj nakonec lépe
Read MoreAfter a game against Mexico got delayed, young Czechs played another game at U18 World Cup on Thursday. This time against
Read MoreThe game against Australia started more than two hours before it was planned. Despite the change, both teams knew the
Read MorePo znovu odloženém utkání s Mexikem odehráli mladí Češi na juniorském světovém šampionátu ve čtvrtek ráno další zápas. Tentokrát jim již
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