UK: The new edition of WBL starts in May. With three new teams
The new edition of Women’s Baseball League (WBL) starts on 24th of May. This year with eight teams, three of which
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Nejlepší český web o baseballu
The new edition of Women’s Baseball League (WBL) starts on 24th of May. This year with eight teams, three of which
Read MoreNový ročník Women’s Baseball League (WBL) začne 24. mája. Tento rok súťaž začne s ôsmimi tímami, z ktorých tri minulý rok nehrali. Mimo už
Read MoreWB-UK League, currently the only women’s baseball league in Europe, saw its final played over the weekend. After a dramatic game Bruins
Read MoreCez víkend sa odohral finálový zápas WB-UK ligy, momentálne jedinej ženskej baseballovej ligy v Európe. Po dramatickom zápase zosadili Bruins z trónu Belles,
Read MoreThe Great Britain will see the second edition of WB-UK League start today. Eight teams, divided into two divisions, will
Read MoreVo Veľkej Británii dnes začína druhý ročník ženskej baseballovej ligy. Osem tímov bude rozdelených do dvoch skupín, ktoré odohrajú zápasy
Read MoreDespite a lack of information, we already know the tournament will be played between 16th and 18th of April in French
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