FCq: Apollo beat Kaunas in their second game

After being defeated by Budapest, Bratislava needed to beat Lithuanian champion to have a hope of moving to the tournament finals.

Kaunas already played two games, where they first lost to Budapest and then won against Vojvodina. And they didn’t start the game against Bratislava badly, after their first two batters reached the base. However, Martin Gieci on Bratislava mound then found his bearing and kept the inning scoreless.

The first score change came in the third inning, after Michal Ešmír earned 2 RBI. Matúš Repaský and Matej Škerlec also added one RBI each. Lithuanians scored their first runs against Gieci in the fourth inning when William Gordon scored a two run homerun.

Next runs for Apollo came in the bottom of the seventh inning thanks to a hit from Matúš Repaský. Kaunas pressed Gieci in the eighth inning and Slovak pitcher had to be substituted. Kaunas, however, only managed to score one run in the end. Juraj Bartók then returned a three run lead to Apollo in the bottom half of the inning.

Jaroslav Kosna didn’t allow any drama in the ninth inning and Apollo thus took the first win of the tournament.

 Kaunas 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 7 5 9
 Apollo Bratislava 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 1 – 6 13 2 10
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