Draci entered Champions Cup with a win. Eagles outclassed
Draci and Eagles played their first games in Champions Cup on Wednesday, but Czech fans could only celebrate the game
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Nejlepší český web o baseballu
Draci and Eagles played their first games in Champions Cup on Wednesday, but Czech fans could only celebrate the game
Read MoreVe středu vstoupili baseballisté Draků i Eagles do nové sezóny Poháru Mistrů. Český fanouškům ale přinesl radost pouze zápas hraný v Brně.
Read MoreThere were four more games played in Extraliga on Sunday. After losing on Saturday, Draci took a comfortable win at home
Read MoreDalší čtyři zápasy se odehrály v neděli v rámci baseballové Extraligy. Po sobotní prohře na severu Moravy si v neděli Draci na svém
Read MoreThere were 4 games planned for Saturday in Extraliga, but with them already finished, we are yet to know a series
Read MoreSobotní program Extraligy měl naplánované 4 zápasy a stále po nich neznáme ani jednoho vítěze některé ze sérií. Po páteční prohře se
Read MoreThe third Extraliga round started with three games on Friday. After they were finished the margins in the table shrinked
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